Times Modules
Building teacher content knowledge
Written for teachers of Foundation to Year 10, these modules were prepared by AMSI as part of The Improving Mathematics Education in Schools (TIMES) Project funded by the Australian Government. Each contains a discussion of a component of the mathematics curriculum from early primary up to the end of Year 10. The modules are organised under the strand titles of the Australian Curriculum: Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; Statistics and Probability.
The TIMES Modules can be accessed here and by clicking on the orange button and through Scootle. A list of the modules organised by strand is given in a PDF document.
SAM Senior Years
Year 11 and 12 Teacher Modules
Each module contains a discussion of a component of the mathematics curriculum for years 11 and 12. The emphasis is on the content of the Australian Curriculum subject Mathematical Methods. However some extra topics in Specialist Mathematics are also covered. These modules contain material that is suitable for similar state-based courses. There are exercises that teachers may wish to undertake – answers are given at the end of the module and sometimes screencasts giving a solution.
There are also four videos and additional material which exemplify the wide use of mathematics in the world today.
The modules are organised through the following topic groupings.
- Algebra and coordinate geometry
- Functions
- Calculus
- Probability and statistics
- Maths delivers – Videos
SAM Middle Years
Teacher and Student Resource Packages
These resource packages were produced in conjunction with Education Services Australia for teachers of years 5 to 9 and for students in years 5 to 9. The resources are designed to aid Middle Years teachers and students in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. The materials are formed with the Australian Curriculum content descriptors being the starting point.