In Classroom Resources, Measurement and Geometry
The focus of this activity is to find out what students know and understand about the different types of measurements, including length, capacity, mass and volume.

  • Explain what measurement is and why we measure
  • Identify the different measurement types
  • Develop a definition for each measurement type
  • Link the measurement types to their standard unit
  • Recognise the different types of units used to measure (standard, uniform, informal units, etc.)
  • Identify different measurement instruments
  • Recognise the important features of different measurement instruments and explain how they can be used to accurately measure
  • Estimate and compare the size of various object
Curriculum Connections:
  • Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity (ACMMG061)
  • Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures (ACMMG084)
  • Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume (ACMMG290)
  • What is measurement?
  • Why do we measure?
  • What are the different measurement types?
  • Can you develop a definition for the different measurement types?
  • What units can we measure in? What is the standard unit for each measurement type?
  • What is the difference between standard units, uniform units, uniform informal units, informal units?
  • What are the names for the different measurement instruments? What are they for? How can they be used accurately?
  • How else can we measure? What if we “run out” of a unit?
  • What is iteration? What is important to remember if we are using iteration?

Measure Me (template)

For more information, please download the attached lesson plan.

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