In Games and warm-ups, Multiplication and Division, Number and Algebra

Learning Objective:
Practise solving division facts.

Intended Outcome:
Accurate division.


  • Blank grid template (5 x 5, 7 x 7, 5 x 10 are good sizes)
  • Dice

Game Objective:
To be the first to get 5 in a row.

This game is to be played in pairs or small groups.

  1. Each player has their own grid. Each player writes random numbers in every square on their grid. It’s a good idea if the numbers are answers in the times tables! (composite numbers).
  2. First player rolls a die and looks for a number on their grid that is divisible by the number they rolled. They then write the division fact in that square. If they have more than one number on their grid that is divisible by the number they rolled, they may only choose one.
  3. Players take it in turns to roll the dice and find a number on their grid that divides evenly by the number they rolled.
  4. First player to have division facts written in 5 squares in a row wins!
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