In Classroom Resources, Number and Algebra

The focus of this activity is to discover if students read, interpret and create arrays to represent different amounts. Students may need some explicit teaching in regard to being able to correctly label and interpret arrays. A solid understanding of arrays will help students to identify factors for numbers and will also assist with students being able to use the area model to solve multi-digit multiplication problems.


  • Use materials to create an array
  • Read, draw. label and interpret arrays
  • Use skip counting and known facts to find the total in an array
  • Make connection between arrays and factors
  • Use arrays to show commutativity in multiplication


Curriculum Connections: NSW Syllabus Mathematics K-10 – Stage 2
Multiplication and Division 1
  • Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts (ACMNA056)


Curriculum Connections: NSW Syllabus Mathematics K-10 – Stage 2
Multiplication and Division 2
  • Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts (ACMNA075)


At the end of this lesson students should be able to answer the following questions
  • Can you use materials to model a possible array for 24 trees?
  • How could you draw and label this array?
  • Can you describe the array using words and symbols?
  • How so you know you have found all the possible arrays?
  • What do we call the numbers that make up the array?
  • Do all numbers have the same number of arrays or factors?


For more information, please download the attached lesson plan.

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