In Classroom Resources, Measurement and Geometry, Number and Algebra, Statistics and Probability

The focus of this activity is for students to recognise the relationship between the dimensions of a square or rectangle and the perimeter and area of these shapes. Students will need to use a systematic approach to show that they have found all the possible solutions.

  • Identify the qualities of a good mathematician
  • Demonstrate the qualities of a good mathematician
  • Recognise and provide a definition for perimeter
  • Identify the relationship between the perimeter and the dimension of different rectangles
  • Explain the definition for area
  • Calculate the area of different rectangles
  • Identify and use the standard units for perimeter and area
  • Use a systematic approach to find the solution to the problem
  • Share ideas with others and justify approach
  • Listen to the ideas of others and build upon their suggestions


Curriculum Connections:  VICTORIAN CURRICULUM F-10:
YEAR 5 – Using units of measurements
  • Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass (VCMMG195)
  • Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and the volume and capacity of prisms using familiar metric units (VCMMG196)


At the end of this lesson students should be able to answer the following questions
  • What do you know about this problem?
  • What will be the perimeter of the rectangles?
  • How many different rectangles can you find?
  • Are all your rectangles different? (rotations/reflections)
  • What are the dimensions of each of these rectangles?
  • How do you find the areas?
  • Are the perimeters and areas equal?
  • What is the relationship between the perimeter and area of rectangles?
  • What is the definition for perimeter and area?
  • What is the standard unit for perimeter and area?
  • How can you show you have found all the possible solutions?


For more information, please download the attached lesson plan.

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